Armchair BEA Day 5: Saying Goodbye& A Mini Haul!

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Hey Bookworms! Tonight is kind of a bittersweet one… Today is the day Armchair BEA comes to an end… (As well as the season finale of Once upon a time…) I am a bit sad because it definitely taught me a lot like a scheduling and planning ethic. Both are skills I need to keep with my blogging, so I can keep it active once I get a job! Which I will hopefully find one very soon! This post is to wrap-up our experiences of this week so let’s get started!

My Armchair BEA Wrap-Up

Day 1: Althought I didn’t do the whole post because I missed the other part of the prompt I did enjoy answering the questions. The twitter chat was also a blast. I honestly think the chats are my favorite part of the community getting to relate to and know each other!

Day 2: This day was all about whether we judge books by their cover and what we define as our blog aesthetic. In short it was all about the pretty things in life. Well I don’t exactly know what my aesthetic or brand is I’m sure I will figure it out one day. This was also the day of the international chat which I enjoyed the most because the more friends across the world the better!

Day 3: This post was all about which formats I tend to enjoy outside the normal novel format and why. It was also about how I join in on the bookish community outside my blog. If you want to see which and some awesome recs give it a click!

Day 4: Yesterday’s post was about which bookish worlds I would love to run away from and which I would run away from if a vortex was trying to suck me into them. ;P

Posts of Fellow Bloggers I Enjoyed

Based on A True Story

Literary Dust

Thoughts and After Thoughts

I Am, Indeed The Place to Find Your Next Read

Mini Haul


So today my dad stopped into town for a little bit and he took me to lunch and I was able to talk him into a quick stop by Barnes & Noble ^_^ Yes I am a little spoiled and talked him into buying me two gorgeous books!

Red’s Untold Tale by Wendy Toliver

Yes, I have done a review on this, but I didn’t own my own copy and as you can tell the hard cover copy is gorgeous!

The second book, A School for Unusual Girlswas a book I had never heard of but from the premise sucked me in! It said it was a historical fiction set in the Napoleonic era and I had to grab it! It’s rare to find hidden gems unless your browsing an actual book store. So I took the plunge and grabbed it. I can’t wait to start it!

Well bookworms that’s all for now. Sorry this post is going up so late at night, but after lunch with my dad, I wanted to sit outside and read to enjoy the pretty weather today! Then when I did get to typing my computer is being laggy… So any who what was your favorite day of either BEA or the Armchair version? Did it drive your creativity and need for a schedule like it did for me? Have you read these books especially the second? Let me know your thoughts down below. I always love to talk! I hope you had an amazing weekend and Happy Reading!

4 thoughts on “Armchair BEA Day 5: Saying Goodbye& A Mini Haul!

  1. I kind of failed this year with ABEA. It was great that I was able to schedule two posts early (not Day 4s) but with other shenanigans happening going on, I wasn’t able to blog hop at all or even participate in Twitter chats. Ahh. Now it’ll be an arduous journey to comment back on blogs; especially when I’ll likely reply back to most of them weeks later haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just need to learn to schedule and plan more! It’s definitely something that makes me realize how big the book blogging world is! I definitely want to attend for real though next time!!


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