My Top Reads of 2021: My Constant Company of Words

Hi Bookworms! Time to let you know which were my favorites of the 219 that I read last year. It was a bit of a hodgepodge year, but most of my favorites were LGBTQ+ Reads, Retellings, and Audiobooks. This list will only include new reads, because counting my favorite rereads wouldn’t be as fun. These are in order of which they were read as much as possible. Let’s Get Started!

1. Words on the Bathroom Wall by Julia Walton

Honestly I watched the movie before reading the book, having only found out in my rewatch that it was a book. Both the book and movie have such an important impact. I can appreciate the differences and I feel both were right for each medium. One of the factors that gave this a 5 star rating was the author's note about them not having schizophrenia and the book was only displaying one type and one person's experience and by no mean speaking for every experience. Whenever an author writes a book about any disability, illness, disorder i feel this should be disclosed as people can assume if not educated.

The second part that made this a 5 star read was the fact it was the first book in a long while to make me laugh out loud. Adam’s voice was helping me survive. It is definitely a book I’ll recommend.

2. Dust by Kara Swanson

If you know me you know that Peter Pan retellings I am absolute trash for! God I didn’t think my first five star read would come this early, but did I fall in love with these characters. Her retelling put a spin on these characters while still remaining true to their underlining selves. It’s been a while since I could see character’s so clearly in my head. I laughed with them and ached for them.

3. Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen

This one was another one of those books that I got upset with myself for not committing to it and reading this earlier. So discloser if you are going into this for YA purposes, it is not YA. The more adult scenes were handled tastefully, and I love the parts of what normally were to be considered minor character’s in Barrie’s original world, were now integral to this story. It was hard to see Peter as a villain, but it as you go along, you truly understand he is a needed character just as the rest. I will definitely be rereading this as it made me have a soft spot for my favorite world again.

4.The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec

This was my first review of the year. It was beyond gorgeous and knowing how this story came alive for Gornichec, makes me hold it a special place in my heart and inspire me. Hopefully it will lead me to writing my own fanfiction turn more. I am definitely rereading this asap.

5. The Midnight Library by Matt Hague

My first magical realism dream of the year (pun intended)!! It was the magical realism and reality I needed. The way I felt understood from this book to know I’m not the only one at this age feeling so lost. I feel like these books are finding me when I didn’t know I needed them. The way it deals with love, loss, depression, appreciate, adequacy. I wish I could personally thank Matt Haig for writing this book. It will definitely be a reread when I am feeling lost.

6. Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Lisa Schneidau

I will always be a fairy girl so to have myths and lores to pull me and educate me again of those myths that I used to devour younger. I also feel this is an amazing book who hasn’t read lore before and wants to dip their toe in.

7. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

Magical realism amazement and mythological dreams. I would spend a whole year rereading this and never get tired of it. The prose and Addie’s rep for me was a bi girl’s dreams. God just talking about it makes me want to stop my current read and reread it again!

8. Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler

If you didn’t read my review for this let me tell you this was one of the hottest books of my year. Honestly not only is Dahlia one of the sweetest authors and people I’ve ever met even if we only sat together for 15 minutes max at the RT festival, she knows how to write chemistry. For me this is very important as a reader and watcher. I am one that needs chemistry in a kiss not too much cheese. She is the queen of this and the friendships in this book were beyond goals. Not enough authors focus on friendships that support these characters or people in real life. Having examples of ride or dies are something we all need so hopefully we can find our own.

9. Sword in the Stars by A.R. Capetta and Cori McCarthy

This book is another example of retellings I am week for. Arthurian Retellings. Plus a female Arthur and reincarnations? Did these 2 authors write this series just for me? Also this book is just goals by knowing it was written by a married couple. Excuse me, while I swoon! While this one I gave a 4.75 stars because I saw one of the plot twists coming. It was still an amazing book and definitely one where the sequel was my favorite over the first. I did love most though and the queer and POC rep was the best. The retelling reference at the end was the best. The kisses were intense and I think this series is definitely one I’d read again. King Arthur retellings need to be done more, and a happy endings are definitely preferred.

10. One Last Stop By Casey McQuiston

Speaking of chemistry THIS book! God I can’t even! If you love Magical realism this book is especially for you. If you adore strong friendships, pursuing the need to start over, your school path not linear, bi-girl that doesn’t feel bi enough? All of these things will make you feel so at home in this book!

11. What I Carry by Jennifer Longo

I’ll be honest it was a blind pick for the cover. Can you blame me? Honestly I knew I was going to get attached to the main character as soon as I started this last night. What I didn’t know is how attached I was going to get attached to all Muir’s circle and their stories. It had me near sobbing as I was reading it today. This book definitely left it’s mark and I am so glad that this is a story being written about, but also that Longo put an importance on having a circle. I feel that not enough YA does this lately that the stories are just about the end goal of the story or the love interest. This book like so many others are the breath of fresh air and hope I think all readers need especially in these times of isolation.

12. Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

I am not a big sci-fi person, but there are a few exceptions to the rule and this is one of them. If you love the movie Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams, I’m 98% sure you will love this. This is one of those books I could see as a movie in my head. This is definitely one where a blind pick didn’t steer me wrong. I was so lost in this books many scenes and the setting. Even though it was sci-fi it had the perfect amount of magical realism I almost hope it does get turned into a movie.

13. Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven by Kami Garcia, Illustrated by Gabriel Picolo

I am so upset Goodreads doesn’t have a picture of my B&N Exclusive Edition. It is literally the cutest thing ever. Seeing these two fall in love in this series is everything. This whole book was amazing and perfect! It was cute and funny. I love BB and Raven but I also adore this author and artist working together. It is mean for them to make me wait till ’23 for the next, but I will be rereading this in the mean time. The action definitely kept me on edge and the banter was to die for. Although now Goodreads has it listed as this year and hoping that it is right!

14. Flora’s Travelling Christmas Shop by Rebecca Raisin

Honestly if you are into tiny house living or dream about it, this series by Rebecca Raisin is for you. These can be read as stand alones if you don’t mind spoiling who the main character in the previous book ends up with. The first one is called Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop.

aHonestly, this is my favorite out of the 3. It feels like this book was made for me. Someone who finds comfort in Christmas as I do, finding comfort in Flora. The romance was cheese, but not as much as the others and I adored the way she got Connor to see Christmas through her eyes and the end was beyond perfect. Also tiny house living was perfect in this and the friendships Flora built. It will definitely be a book I will be rereading often Christmas or not.

Well that’s all for last year, 14 books does feel like a lot, but it makes me feel less alone. The end and beginning of last year were very hard for me. The moment I stop reading is the moment you should be worried for me. While, I didn’t read much in print because of strain of it between things. Audiobooks saved my life especially when I could pick the pace. Wishing us all peace and safety for 2022. What were your favorites for last year? Have you read any of these? Please let me know in the comments below! Happy Reading and Stay Safe!

Mini Book Retrospection: Tell Me My Name

Hey Bookworms, so this isn’t going to be in the format my normal book Reviews are in, but I truly felt I needed to post this on my blog too, not just Goodreads and Storygraph, as a thank you to the author and a plead to other authors. It may be a bit messy, but kind of posting directly from my Good Reads and Story Graph. Hope you all enjoy.

Title: Tell Me My Name by Amy Reed

Publication Date: 9th March 2021

Publisher: Listening Library

Format: Audio Book (Borrowed From Library on Axis360)

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

My Review:

This was the 2nd retelling I read this year where the original, “The Great Gatsby” was not my favorite, but I truly enjoyed the majority of this book. The prose is beyond gorgeous that it completely sucked me in. The LGBTQIA rep+ and at the beginning not knowing which character would be whom.

Giving this “Daisy” more dimension and not just making them just a pretty thing, but someone that wanted more but was scared to leave their perfection or the role of what they new.

The part I also wanted to thank Reed for is their Author’s note at the end. I feel like this should be a requirement for any author writing about a disability or mental illness whether they have it or not, because everything is on a spectrum or not. I like that they disclosed how she used resources and even apologized for the portrayal not being perfect.

If she reads this honestly, just want to say thank you for doing what is needed for everyone to feel safe to read something they may not know about or if they feel that it is something they can relate to or experience themselves, that the author felt the need to say they aren’t perfect but tried to give the voice they could. They could be saving someone from months of mental and emotional pain from worrying if this depiction may be the only way others see them, if they felt this depiction was negative.

Please other authors if you depict any kind of disability/ illness, mental, physical, or otherwise do your due diligence and right that author’s note that you are showing only a fragment. It could save a life.

Okay, after that rant, as it begin to mimic Gatsby too close it reminded me of what I don’t like about the original, so I can’t give it 5 stars, but still a gorgeous book nevertheless with prose that pulls you in.


Well that is it, something I took for granted as a younger reader was the author’s notes. As an older reader I want to teach young Chantal to take a breathe before devouring the next book and learn. Honestly, Reed doesn’t know what a great thing she did with this note. I know what the main character has gets major stigma from the media. I hope more author’s take a pause to do the same, because not all readers will have the resources to learn about what is being read about and instead of educating can end up hurting.

In other words yes, I still remember reading the tweets on Kami Mcgovern’s site for “Say What You Will” and not being able to shake the pain for months. The reason why I won’t speak on platforms or other blogs when asked about my disability, is that I am one on a spectrum and I never want to be a spoke’s person. Everyone’s journey and rep with their disability is different, and it is a fragment of millions of parts of who they are. So Authors who might be reading this if you are brave enough to write or speak of a disability or mental illness, whether you have it or not your author’s note of your research is needed, your disclaimer is needed, whether it is at the beginning or end.

That’s all I am going to stay for now, or else this is going to turn into one big rant. Well bookworms, have you read this book, what are your feelings on author’s notes when it comes to portrayals, and what are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments below! As always Happy Reading and Have an amazing and Safe Week!

Movie Monday: Gossip Girl

Hey Story Lovers (I am thinking of using this new nickname for you all for Movie Mondays, hope you don’t mind)! I know I am behind on my reading challenge and I will try to get to that this month, but I’ve had shows and movies on my mind. I need someone to talk to and I dunno anyone personally watching this show. Now which show am I speaking of? Have I got you curious yet? Today my lovelies we will be talking about Gossip Girl the new version and a bit of the old. So let’s get to it! If you haven’t watched all the episodes of the original or are caught up on the episodes that aired on the new one on 8/5 SPOILERS AHEAD!

Flashback to 2007 and my sophomore year where I was still a huge lover of contemporary fiction, mush, and steam. It was my addiction, so when I heard these books were turning into a show I got into the addiction. As much as I am not a girly girly physically, I am in love with pretty things fashion wise. I also thought the cast was pretty as well and got quickly attached to each of them despite their flaws and down falls. They were a friend group that stood by each other making me hope I could have that one day.

I saw an interview the other day that made me a bit sad on YouTube that Blake Lively (Serena) didn’t like her character or playing her. She was felt she was a bad person which, yes, she did make mistakes, which I feel people may with options can with too much freedom can while your brain is still developing and dealing with issues, but I feel she tried to grow from the mistakes she had made. She loved hard and I related to the girl who would do anything for her friends. She also felt it was too influential to teens watching it to mimic their behavior?

Now I know that these shows may influence, but I feel if the kids are smart they will enjoy it for what it is entertainment and mystery? Trying to guess who GG was and wondering if your ship was going to sail or sink? There were quotes and OTPs to die for. Yes, I wished to see more diversity, and maybe even more of my self in the show, but it was a show that got my mind off the drama of my own life and into the drama of someone else’s. It kept me safe for about an hour each week(due to commercials) and had me somewhere to go outside of my books and school. This was the first time I got to see a bigger city outside of my town. I was happy yet sad to see it end 5 years later 2 years into college, but it showed me they made it through college so could I.

Now fast forward almost 10 years later I tried to re-binge it all before the new one came to be, but adulting got in the way as it has a way to do and I shrugged and jumped onto it the first moment I had free time. Now to be honest I wanted to watch it because I like Thomas Doherty and wanted to see him act a different role than I had seen him in before, and I was curious with the trailers how they were going to bring GG back to life with only one minor character being related to the original cast?

First Thoughts

OMG this cast actually has more than 2 actors of color?! EEEEP! YES!!! Thomas Doherty plays a bi boy! Thank you for TV world for growing even if it’s not as quick as we would like.

Okay, we are focusing on two sisters instead of two slight frenemies. I guess I can get with it. Okay, we’re back at Constance for the school, and the kids aren’t into Gossip Girl yet just doing there own thing? So is Zoya bringing it too school, since she had escaped bullying from her old?

It Gets Cringey

No… The Teachers want to be Gossip Girl… NO. NO. NO. Wrong on so many levels! They feel like they’re being bullied by the children? They don’t want to stick up to the little rich kids and parents? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Take a page from the old Headmistress and let them know what Constance can give them as far as education and opportunity! I mean not that hard! It feels like their sinking to the level of their pupils to get respect and pseudo stalking them a bit to keep them under control?

Basically copy catting a now famous writers voice to have these teens on edge. Then the teacher in charge of GG decides to drop her pursuits of writing to influence these children and not give up her “power”? It is hard to believe, but I still want to see these characters grow because I am living for the diversity and the occasional cameos?

Closing Thoughts

I don’t believe in guilty pleasures because if it brings you any joy in the slightest and your not harming anyone else or yourself than why not watch? I won’t be ashamed to say I will still watch a Teen Show the same way I am not ashamed to say I read YA. I am praying that the writers turn this around by having one of the teens hack the GG account and take it from the teachers just like it was briefly stolen Dan during the later seasons. I need to see it’s a student observing and watching their peers. One can hope!

What are your thoughts on the remake and original? Let me know in the comments below as I need someone to talk about this with! I hope you all have an amazing week and stay safe! Happy Reading and Watching!

The Book That Made Me Hot for the Summer: Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler (Book Retrospection slight spoilers)

Hi Bookworms, I am back! I know I am a little behind on my reading challenge and I promise to get to that soon. I read this book a bit ago, and since Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler was … Continue reading

Writing Wednesday: Love, Death, and Time

Hey bookworms! I decided to share my most recent blurb/poem/ opening to my newest piece of a possible story. It is definitely something, I’m excited yet anxious to start, so please be honest and let me know if you’d be curious to read more of.

Love, Death, and Time

Love, Death, and Time

Are beings forever intertwined

Never Enemies as the Myths Say

But Lovers as old as creation itself.

Every era now and then they are forced to spend time among the humans that curse them.

A worse fate than that every time they are reborn they must find each other once again.

This is the tale of how they slogged through our most current time of cell phones, plagues, and worlds crumbling to find each other’s arms once more.

What do you all think would you be curious/excited to read more? Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Hope you all are having an okay week and are staying safe. Happy Reading and Writing!

Book Talk: Reading Challenge Update, Spring Reading

Hey Bookworms! I know it has been a minute, but I have a new job and training is taking it out on my energy from the amount that I have to learn. I am grateful and anxious for the the … Continue reading

Movie Monday: Stargirl an Adaptation That Fell Short (Slight Spoilers)

Hey Bookworms! I know it’s been a minute since I’ve done one of these. I have happen to read two books that became adaptations in March and ended up watching the movie the same day. I am not normally too harsh on adaptations, but there was so many things this movie missed out on. Before I ramble too far and tell you everything in the intro let’s get started!

Movie Title: Stargirl

Release Date: 13 March 2020

Film Company: Disney

Rated: PG

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Director: Julia Hart

Starring: Grace VanderWaal, Graham Verchere, Giancarlo Esposito

Format Watched in: Streaming on Disney+

Runtime: 1h 47min

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Quick Recommendation

Normally I am not one to care in which is read or watched first. I can easily go back and forth between watching the movie first then reading the book or vice versa. In this case though as I do believe the themes are extremely important please read the book Stargirl by by Jerry Spinelli, John Ritter especially if watching this with children.

What I Loved

What I adored is the casting no question, the diversity was spot on and each character fit their role while bringing themselves into it. I also loved that Stargirl kept her ukulele and Cinnamon, I loved that they kept at least one pivotal scene, and that Stargirl kept her be kind attitude especially with everything going on.

What Disney Missed Out On

Now like every bookworm I know a book cannot be made into a movie with EVERYTHING the same. I do however believe you should keep at least 2-3 of the pivotal scenes to drive the themes home. Yes, Stargirl still sang Happy Birthday (at least once and they moved Leo’s birthday forward for this scene), yes they incorporated Leo’s Porcupine Tie, they also still made Stargirl a cheerleader.

However, they didn’t include her most important be kind scene, didn’t show the true bullying, her happiness trailer with her stones, and I think they hurt her character by not including her dad. Yes, I get that they wanted her and Leo to relate, but it took away the ability of 2 parents fully supporting their daughter’s uniqueness. They also didn’t show her taking Leo on her adventure in the mall or finding billboards to help spread her kindness.

They changed her speech and how she found the inspiration for it. The little time that she tried hard to fit in so much it hurt before she realized by not being herself she hurt herself.

These are things that could bolster kids in middle school and high school, it could do so much more to help them survive especially in the context of what is going on with bullying on the rise especially in cyber form to move this book from 2002 to 2020.

Wrapping it Up

Now I am not saying this is a bad movie what so ever because it did have its cute parts, but it fell short on what the true themes teach. As always take the movie adaptation with a grain of salt. Hopefully they can take this into consideration with the next contemporary movie they make. Stargirl’s power and magic was to shine in her kindness as that was her magic.

Well that’s all for now bookworms. As always I will put the trailer below in case it piques your interest. Have you watched this movie or read the book? If you have done both what were your thoughts on the adaptation. I hope you all have an amazing and safe week. Happy Reading and Watching!

The Reread Book Tag

Hey Bookworms! I was looking for something to do next, and I’ve been stumbling on quite a few, so let’s get started with the first one. This is the Reread Book Tag which was created by Brianna the Randomness Reviewer. Let’s get started!

The Reread Book Tag

A Childhood Favorite You Could Read 100 Times and Never Get Sick of it

Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce

I read this series in middle school which at this point being a month away from the last year of my 20’s, it is at this point. Any of her works I could read a million times, but this one has a soft spot as this one was my first.

A Book You DNF’ed but Would be Willing to Give Another Shot

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

I have DNF’ed quite a few books between this year and last, only a couple because I didn’t like them, more often than not it is because I wasn’t in the mood for them. I will put a tag on it for the library to borrow at a later time and return it for the next person to take their turn. I was on a fairy high and thought this book would have fairies like her last. It is my fault for not reading the summary, but I would give this world of magic another chance.

A Newer Favorite That You Would Reread

Dust (Heirs of Neverland,#1) by Kara Swanson/ Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton

I chose books from this year and I will definitely be rereading these when I need a laugh or to feel less alone. I definitely recommend the movie of the second if you haven’t seen it I will include the clip at the end of the post.

A Book You Hated and Never Want to Read Again

Normal People by Sally Rooney

Now the tag line of it being compared to One Day which is one of my favorite books and movies is what drew me to this book as tag lines often do with comparison. Let me tell you it was not both of these characters were horrible, had no redemption arc, and honestly don’t even know why I finished it. Say What You Will is also another, but you can see why if you want in my review.

A Book You Read in School and Want to Try Again

The Importance of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde

After reading The Picture of Dorian Gray and it not being my favorite, made me want to reread the lighter of Wilde. It is always something I think of when I need something light.

An Author You Would Reread Anything From

Cecelia Ahern

She is without a doubt the author I reread most, I reread one of her books at least once a year. They are comfort reads. My brain and heart always know which one I need at the time. She has gotten me through so much and I hope if I ever find my writing spark again, I can do the same for others.

A Series You Want to Reread for the Fun of It

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

This couple is my ship and comfort all in one to accept the flaws in one another and help each other grow. I think I need them for inspiration this year.

A Series You Want to Reread for the Adaptation

House of Night by PC and Kristin Cast

There are a few adaptations that come to mind but since this one has been the longest since I’ve read it, when it does get a release date I do plan on rereading the first 3.

A Book You Want to Reread as An Audiobook

The Sight By David Clement Davies

I remember reading this in the middle school, and it is one of my greatest regrets that I never finished this duology. Maybe if I get them as audiobooks, I can finally finish it. One can hope!

Well that’s all for this tag, and it was fun! The last question was the hardest though because so many of my rereads lately have been audio books. What is something fun, if it’s not a bit of a challenge? Have you read any of these? Did you do this tag? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Reading and stay safe all!

First Book Review of 2021: The Witch’s Heart

Hey Bookworms, sorry for 2 posts in one day, but the more I sat here the more I needed to write this and had to bite the bullet and post it right away! I wasn’t going to write a review on here, but then I thought what better way to shove a book on people by writing a review on my actual blog? I haven’t done this in a very looooooooooooooooong time, so please try and be gentle, as I try to make this screaming fangirlness make sense among the mythology and other thoughts zooming through my head. So let’s get started and hopefully it will go okay.

First Book Retrospection of the Year: The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec


Title: The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec

Publisher: Penguin Audio

Publishing Date: February 9th 2021

Format: Audiobook from Libby App

Date Started: 26 February 2021

Date Finished: 1 March 2021

Rating: 5 Million out of 5 Stars (but GR only goes to 5 Stars)

Opening Thoughts

I think I ran across the news of this book from a Facebook ad, and from the second I saw the cover, it was an instant rush to the Libby App to put it on hold. It also pertained to mythology, so I know this book was destined, or at least hoped it would get me out of my slump/funk of a mood and God was I right. I was lucky that I didn’t have to wait too long from putting it on hold until I got it. Then the reading began as it dug it’s claws in me.

What I Loved

Can I say, everything? The world building had me traveling with Angraboda every step. It had you looking at these well known and even if you didn’t know them instantly and in different lights. This book shows you the truth of there is two sides to every story and even the characters history or myths tend to forget. Evil becomes good and Good becomes selfish, but it all comes down to motives that make them all alike. What drives these characters in there deeds. The LGBTness of this book and several characters makes me feel less alone. The stories and tales within the novel itself had me laughing in a way I hadn’t all month. Honestly there is so much I could say, but I don’t want to spoil anything.

This book is about perspective and I don’t mean changing between characters as it stayed with Angrboda. I also adored it stayed with our character but was also in third person. I tend to get tried of reading in first person and I think it is an overdone lately.

It weaves so many Norse mythologies throughout the main story, so you’re constantly learning without leaving or losing the main thread or story which is what the cover hints at.

I wish I had my own copy, so I could share my favorite quotes with you all, but I definitely know this is what I will be treating myself to for my birthday. This is a book I will be rereading again and again.

What I Hated

Honestly, other than the fact that it had to end? Nothing and it is very very rare that I say this. I wanted to cling to all of these characters and never let them go which I think was the main purpose and theme of this book to not let the legends, myths, and stories die, that we have to keep passing them on.

Final Thoughts

If you loved Circe by Madeline Miller, Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, or anything by Rick Riordan you need to read this book. I just can’t express enough of what it will do for your sense of perspective. If you listen to anything I say this year, please let it be this. Read this book. It is amazing for a debut novel and I can’t wait to see what this author writes next.

Please let me know if you read this book, your thoughts sans spoilers if this review made any sense as it may help me get over my insecurity of writing reviews, and if you would like to see me brave my fears enough to write another. Happy Reading all and Stay Safe!

Book Talk: Reading Challenge Update

Hey Bookworms! It is now what is normally my favorite month when there isn’t a pandemic going on. It’s March, my Birthday Month, time to update you on what I read in the Reading Challenge last month, and what I will be reading this month.

February: A Book You Wish You Read in School

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

I feel bad that I wasn’t as in love with this as I was The Importance of Being Earnest. Although I do wish I had a physical copy as there were so many quotes I adored. There were important themes about conscious vs image and what you are willing to do to uphold one over the other. It just dragged in too many places and I zoned out too much for me to be in love. I will maybe come back to this book one day when I am in a better place mentally. February and last half of January were a bit rough, so I hope my favorite month will bring better vibes.

March: A Book Published within the Last Year

Written in The Stars by Alexandria BelleFleur

Now I really want to read this in March and it fits as it did come out last year. I bought this on audible, but my audible takes a back seat when my library books slam me all at once. Right now I have 19 books on my Libby app, so we’ll see if I get to it. I hope I do because my Bi Girl pride is a sucker for some girl love and I also think it is a retelling, which is my other weakness.

I’ll think of what to read for April once I finish the March read. Have you read these books, if so what did you think? No spoilers please. Are you doing in a reading challenge? Let me know in the comments below. As always, Happy Reading and Stay Safe!